
Monday, June 18, 2012

A Math Professor like no other

A very inspirational quote from our professor, Sir Cris Paner - the man in his wheel chair and drives a cool ATV in UST CFAD.

he said: "It is not what a man has lost, but what is left is more important."

It's my thesis this school year 2012-2013. Im having a hard time, thinking and coneptualizing for my thesis. Just the thought of having to interview professionals makes me want to back out. Hi! I'm Valerie by the way, my self-esteem is low, and Im afraid to stand and talk in front of a crowd, even during recitations. I hope i can get over this, because i believe i can but i just don't know when or how.

Our professor was diagnosed when he was just 8 months old, the doctor said that he couldn't walk, that's why he is always in his wheel chair. But that didn't stop him from achieving his dreams, he has a disability but he managed to finished his studies and graduate from college and even raise his own family.

If a man like him can do all those things? how much more for those who live a normal life? I believe i can surpass my fears, and you can too. If you just believe in yourself, and is not afraid to commit mistakes.:)

"It is through mistakes that we learn what is right."

checked by: Prof. Crisencio Paner


  1. "It is through mistakes that we learn what is right." I like this remarkable note! Nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams especially if we really mean it.
    Nice post! :)

  2. "It is not what a man has lost, but what is left is more important." Very true :) Nice blog btw. Keep up the good work! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you!:) please keep posted, as we'll start to tackle Business Math topics on my next post.

  3. This is so inspiring and very applicable in our lives, good job!

  4. We are so luck to have Sir Paner as a professor! He's not only inspiring, he is also a very well-equipped Math professor, despite his condition.

    1. Very true indeed! he does not only teach us for our future, but he also inspires us to have a better future.

  5. of all the lessons he'd taught, there's always something inspirational. it's good that you've kept track of those.

    1. inpirations keep us going, better list all of his quotable quotes!:)
