
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Profit? Loss? Gross Sales? Do we need to know that??

Ofcourse we do! Math is essential in our daily lives.
I know counting is easy, adding and subtracting, we can even use the calculator for that, but Math is not merely plus or minus. We should also learn some terms to further understand it, especially when we are about to start our own businesses. Basic Math is needed to be digested in our minds because these terms will always be heard and used over and over again.

Our topic will be about Profit and Loss
To start off, we should first know these terms:
(as explained by our professor:)

  • Profit - is the amount by which the sales are greater than the cost of goods sold and the operating expenses. Margin also means gain or profit.
  • Gross Sales - is the actual amount received for selling the goods.
  • Refunds - are amounts returned usually if goods are defective.
  • Net Sales - are obtained when refunds are being deducted from the gross sales. 
  • Costs of goods sold - also known as buying price, is the amount paid for articles bought including the buying expenses.
  • Gross Profit - is the difference between the net sales and the cost if goods sold.
  • Net Profit - is the difference between the gross profit and the operating expenses.
Now that we are familiar with the terms, here are the formulas:
  1.  The formula in computing the profit:
                       Gross Sales
              -       Sales Returns and Allowances

                       Net Sales
             -        Costs of Goods Sold

                       Gross Profit
            -         Operating Expenses

                       Net Profit

How about the costs of goods sold? how do we compute cost of goods sold  for a period of time? 
  • Inventory - itemized list of goods on hand.
   2. The formula in computing the costs of goods sold:

                       Beginning Inventory
              +      Purchases

                       Goods for Sale
             -        Ending Inventory

                       Costs of Goods Sold

Try to solve some problems related to this! It will be easy once you've fully understood it.
Hope this helped! See you in my next post.:)

Remember: You learn it, you EARN it!

checked by: Prof. Crisencio Paner

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meet Our Professor

Professor Crisencio Paner

A very dedicated educator in the University of Santo Tomas.
Prof. Cris, as what we call him.

Here is a sneak preview about him:
"Glimpse of Crisencio Paner"

To know more about him click on his name above.
The link can also serve as a guide for those who need an example on how to write their own curriculum vitae.:)

checked by: Prof. Crisencio Paner

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Math Professor like no other

A very inspirational quote from our professor, Sir Cris Paner - the man in his wheel chair and drives a cool ATV in UST CFAD.

he said: "It is not what a man has lost, but what is left is more important."

It's my thesis this school year 2012-2013. Im having a hard time, thinking and coneptualizing for my thesis. Just the thought of having to interview professionals makes me want to back out. Hi! I'm Valerie by the way, my self-esteem is low, and Im afraid to stand and talk in front of a crowd, even during recitations. I hope i can get over this, because i believe i can but i just don't know when or how.

Our professor was diagnosed when he was just 8 months old, the doctor said that he couldn't walk, that's why he is always in his wheel chair. But that didn't stop him from achieving his dreams, he has a disability but he managed to finished his studies and graduate from college and even raise his own family.

If a man like him can do all those things? how much more for those who live a normal life? I believe i can surpass my fears, and you can too. If you just believe in yourself, and is not afraid to commit mistakes.:)

"It is through mistakes that we learn what is right."

checked by: Prof. Crisencio Paner